Student Leadership

Student Leadership Logo

Get Involved in Student Leadership!

NDSCS offers a wide variety of student leadership opportunities to get involved, make new friends, and add valuable skills and experience to your resume.

If you have the desire to learn more and are committed to serving as a positive role model among your peers, apply today!

Regardless of your academic program, we encourage you to lead!


Student Leadership Quality Standards


Student Leadership photos

NDSCS Ambassadors

NDSCS Ambassadors help foster a caring community for our students, faculty and staff while serving as a resource and familiar contact for visitors who come to campus for both NDSCS sponsored and non-NDSCS sponsored events.

Ambassador Responsibilities:

  • Monthly Meetings
  • Assist Alumni during Homecoming Week
  • Assist with employers during the Career Fair
  • Work the DREAMS Auction
Student Senate
NDSCS Student Senate

The Student Senate at the North Dakota State College of Science represents and serves the student body to enhance students' college experience through the empowerment of all students.  The Senate's responsibilities include chartering student clubs, awarding discretionary funding to student clubs and organizations, assisting with funding and hosting student programs and events, and representing student interests across campus.

Student Senate Responsibilities:

  • Meet weekly during the academic year to discuss College updates and weigh in on important decisions regarding students and the institution.
  • Participate and serve on a variety of NDSCS and Student Senate committees that can improve the student experience such as Parking Committee, Diversity and Equity Team, and more.
  • Plan Agawasie Day
  • Share new initiatives and ideas with the Senate
  • Participate in the North Dakota Student Association (NDSA) once a month throughout North Dakota.

Applications will be accepted as an ongoing process as positions open.

Campus Activities Board

Students serving on the Campus Activities Board gain valuable leadership skills by planning events and activities to enrich the student experience at NDSCS. With a welcoming and enthusiastic approach, CAB Members seek to create new engagement opportunities while also celebrating longstanding traditions, where students meet new people and have fun.

Campus Activities Board (CAB) Responsibilities:

  • Meet weekly during the academic year to plan and discuss campus activities
  • Brainstorm and share event ideas with fellow CAB members
  • Implement event planning and promotional tasks
  • Introduce professional acts, such as comedians, hypnotists and musicians
  • Track student attendance at events
  • Communicate event information with students
  • Have the opportunity to take on additional leadership responsibilities with CAB

Applications will be accepted as an ongoing process as positions open.

Resident Assistants
Resident Life

Resident Assistants (RAs) are students whose role is to support residents by fostering a cooperative and considerate residential community environment which contributes to the academic and personal growth and success of each resident.  Resident Assistants enhance each resident student's experience by providing educational and recreational programming, information, guidance, friendship, and support.

Resident Assistant (RA) Responsibilities:

  • Support fellow students by assisting students with questions
  • Developing community through a variety of methods
  • Serving as residential hall on-duty staff
  • Planning building-wide events
  • Assist with safety and security
  • Perform administrative tasks
Science of Leadership

Science of Leadership logoDo you want to build your leadership skills? You could be eligible for a $4,000 scholarship!

The Science of Leadership program provides students with an immersive experience focused on leadership skill development with the goal of them becoming life-long leaders. Specifically, the program seeks to foster students’ skills related to critical thinking, problem-solving, self-reflection, communication, planning and organization. If selected into the Science of Leadership Program, Students are awarded a $4,000 scholarship (part time students pro-rated).

Who is eligible?

Students must meet the following requirements:

  • Show proof of fall 2024 registered classes.  
  • Are in good academic (minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in High School and or college) and behavioral standing (not on behavioral probation) with NDSCS
What is required with the Science of Leadership?
  • Attendance on November 6 — Orientation & Leadership Introduction (7:30 - 10 p.m.)
  • Approximately 3-5 hours/month (October, November, December, January, February, March, April)
    • One monthly large group session (2-3 hours) - Evenings
    • One monthly mentor/small group meeting (1 hour) as scheduled with your small group
  • Planning, participation, and attendance in a community give-back project – end of April
How do I apply?

Only 35 students will be selected for the 2024/25 Science of Leadership program, students must complete an application (with as much detail and thought as possible). These applications will be scored and the top candidates will be interviewed. The top 35 candidates will be selected into the Science of Leadership program based on their application, reference letter, and interview.

Science of Leadership Application

Applications MUST be submitted online by Monday, October 7 at 5 p.m. Selections will be made and announced by October 18, 2024.

Questions about Science of Leadership?

Contact Kim Nelson at or at 701-671-2187.